Sunday, 11 November 2012

Meeting Holly Becker at the Decorate Workshop launch

This week was quite a high-light in my short blogging career, as not only did I get nominated 3 times for the Liebster Blog Award (!), but I also met Holly Becker from Decor8 Blog at the launch party of her new Decorate Workshop book hosted by Anthropologie in Regent Street, London. An amazing venue for an amazing lady....

Firstly, I have to admit I had heard and seen lots about Anthropologie, but hadn't actually visited one of their stores in the UK yet (I used to work in Bond Street for Mulberry, but I don't get to Central London that often anymore these days!). And boy, what an unbelievably beautiful and creative store! I felt instantly inspired. I won't keep going on as there is so much more to tell about Holly, the event and her book, but I did want to share some of the displays that I couldn't pass without looking twice:

The set of Dutch plates with the impression of a Dutch master painting made me smile and actually tempted to touch it(!). I also was drawn to the light shades within the light shade and isn't this Stag Head something quite different?!?

The private tea party and subsequently Holly Becker's book launch took place on the first floor. As members from the London Blogger Group, I came to the event with my friend Anna van der Feltz from Mischief, Flapjacks, Pantone & Me and I didn't really know anyone else. But it was so easy to mingle and meet so many lovely bloggers finally in person. There really was such a friendly atmosphere. And of course the lady who's turned blogging into a successful career and has encouraged so many of us to blog was there joined by the famous Will Taylor from Bright Bazaar and some of the creative people she worked with like stylists Sania Pell and James Leland Day.

Holly Becker is as lovely in reality as she comes across in her blog. In fact, when she talks, she really speaks like she writes! And she really made an effort to meet everyone personally. I admire her for how she had the courage to do something about the job she wasn't happy with and even more so for carving her own career by doing what she loves doing and actually make a living of it too. She definitely has a business head screwed on. And she seems to have endless energy and creativity too... But above all, she makes you feel inspired rather than jealous!

So, Holly now has two book titles behind her name! Decorate has been a great success, and her second book Decorate Workshop won't stay behind without a doubt. In the book Holly describes her 8-step process to decorating your home written in her usual natural manner and using lovely examples including her own home. 
If you like to have a preview, here is an abstract to give you a peak into Holly's book. As I was reading through my copy (obviously I couldn't leave the party without a signed copy) guess what cought my eye?!? Holly has a lovely HKliving chest AND HKliving lamp showing in her living room! Being the UK agent for HKliving, that made me feel so good. But really, it is such a nice read and will make you feel itchy to start a project yourself. Have fun!

Lots of love,



  1. Would''ve loved to go there myself but couldn't make it unfortunately. I did order the book though and I hope it'll be delivered this week! Great report on your blog (which I like a lot! ) :)

    1. Thanks for the sweet words! It would have been nice to meet you at the event, perhaps another time at some other blog event? Best wishes, Trinske

  2. Leuk dat je bij de booklaunch was! ben maar een ietsiepietsie jaloers... met alle foto's is het alsof ik er toch een beetje bij was.
    groetjes Arda

    1. Dankjewel, voel me geflatteerd, want fotografie is (nog!) niet mijn sterkste kant!

  3. It was a lovely evening. great photos. Shame I didn't get to meet you but I'm sure we will some time. I totally agree that Holly does practice what she preaches - authenticity. Have a lovely evening Trinske. :) x

    1. Thanks Geraldine, wasn't it a manic but oh so lovely evening? So many people! Definitely hope to meet you next time Geraldine, Trinske x

  4. Looks great and how nice to meet Holly in person!!
    Greetz from fellow- BYW Bootcamp..; )

  5. I wish I could have been there! Nice pictures, makes me really want to check out Anthropologie when I visit London next month,
    Groetjes Sharon
